Start Skyware Systems page

The landing page is the screen where you will start after logging in to Skyware Systems. Typically front desk staff are set up with the Dashboard as a default, but that can be changed. The landing page upon logging in may be set up for specific Users (by an authorized Manager in the User Maintenance screen, reached via the Configuration Menu). The choices are: Dashboard, Full Menu, Short Menu, Staff Reader Board, Housekeeping, Restaurant or Charts.

The Dashboard View provides a quick breakdown of the room activity for a selected day and the following day.


Upon arrival at the default landing page you will notice three main things:


A top navigation bar with a gold band that holds the primary front desk functions, known as the Action Bar.

Top Navigation Action Bar with images for buttons

These functions are displayed as icons, but clicking the large T at the right will convert them to words.

Action Bar for Skyware Systems with words

The icons and words can be toggled between by using the camera icon or T, depending on user preference. See the Action Bar for more details on the individual icons.


A side navigation panel with:

Menu icons

These Quick Menu commands can be set up by User group (for example, housekeeping) to hold the most used tasks.


Breadcrumbs Links:

May be found in the top right corner of the screen banner and contains links to the Full Menu, the Charts Screen, the Dashboard View, or the Short Menu.


A main screen, usually the Dashboard, which is a large tabular image in the center of the page.

Dashboard display example

This dashboard holds a large amount of property data at one quick glance. See Dashboard Description for more details.


Date Updated August 10, 2022